18 June 2009

Onions and Old Tights: The Perfect Pairing?

If you are like me, and wear tights to work most days in the winter, it is highly likely that you have laddered a fair few pairs in your time.

I always feel a bit guilty throwing them away when there is only a small hole, but in a very visible place where painting the hole with nail varnish or sewing it up is impossible- so much of the tights are still good!

Imagine my joy when I learned that old tights can be used to keep onions fresh for up to 6 months- especially as the red onions and banana shallots that I love to cook with seem to go mouldy really quickly.

Here's the trick
Take a pair of tights (clean please!) and put an onion in each food. If the toe has a hole, you might want to sew it up first, of tie a knot in the bottom. Above each onion tie another knot, put in the next onion and repeat, until the legs are full or all the onions are used up.

Hang them somewhere dry and cool- cellars, larders or in a cupboard.
top photo with thanks to Flickr To Me
bottom photo with thanks to J.C. Rojas

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