18 June 2009

Banana Cake

Ripe bananas are not everybody's favourite fruit, but if you've bought them, do you really want to bin them? Why not make delicious banana cake, and remember that if you don't have time to make one today, you can freeze the ripe bananas until you do.

Prep time: ~15 minutes

You need:

Butter- 125g

Sugar-3/4 cup

1 egg

ripe, mashed bananas-2

1 1/2 cups self raising flour

1/4 cup of milk

you could also add a complementary flavour such as vanilla, poppy seeds or think about substituting some of the sugar with a brown or muscavado sugar.

To make:

Take the sugar and butter (and vanilla if you are using) and melt in a saucepan. Add the bananas and mix well. Beat the egg and then mix that into the mixture in the pan, followed by the flour. When the mixture is well mixed slowly add the milk and mix gently. Put the mixture into a cake tin and bake for around 4o mins at 170 degrees/ Gas mark 3-4.

Delicious :)

To serve:

Excellent as a cake, it is also wonderful hot with cream or vanilla icecream as a warming pudding.


Don't want to waste banana skins? Make them into fertilizer

photo with thanks to KCanard


  1. Maeve, LimerickJune 18, 2009

    I love banana cake, but I also put walnuts in mine for the crunch : )

    Thx for the fertilizer tip- might try it out once the rain stops and I can get in my garden!

  2. Anne-Marie, KinsaleJune 18, 2009

    I bought a HUGE bunch of bananas for my kids, who ate two and now refuse to eat as they are too brown...

    maybe my youngest will be getting banana cupcakes at her birthday party?

  3. Mike, CarrigalineJune 23, 2009

    Friends went away with loads of bananas at the weekend, which have been blackening despite our best efforts to eat/ keep them fresh.

    I have just made 8 gooey ones into a gluten/dairy free version using tritamyl gluten free flour and 2/3 margarine with 1/3 oil as I didn't have that much maragrine. also left out the milk (obviosuly!) but as I didn't have and vanilla i added some cold, strong tea (it works it tea bread!)...

    it's in the oven- can't wait to see how it turns out!

  4. Mike, CarrigalineJune 23, 2009

    Turns out they taste fantastic!
    It can be difficult to get a good texture out of gluten free bread but these turned out perfect.

  5. My Mum makes it with walnuts : )

  6. Lovely - banana cupcukes with a tease of orange blossom essence ... taking them to a friend's barbie
